Cyprus IVF Baby

Team Miracle

IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection)

What is IMSI ?

IMSI in IVF Treatment – Cost & IMSI Fertility Process


IMSI IVF Unlocking Success: Understanding IMSI in IVF Treatment

Embarking on the journey of assisted reproduction opens doors to innovative techniques such as Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This groundbreaking approach is a key to unlocking success on the path to parenthood.

What is IMSI in IVF Treatment? Exploring IMSI: A Revolutionary Approach in IVF Treatment

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) stands as a revolutionary technique within the realm of IVF treatment. It is more than just an acronym; it represents a cutting-edge methodology that transforms the way fertility treatments are approached. IMSI involves the utilization of advanced microscopic technology to delve into the intricacies of sperm morphology, allowing for the meticulous selection of the healthiest sperm for the fertilization process.

This technique goes beyond conventional methods, providing fertility specialists with an enhanced view of sperm morphology at a level of detail that was previously unattainable. The revolutionary aspect of IMSI lies in its ability to elevate the selection process, ensuring that only the most viable and robust sperm are chosen for fertilization. By exploring IMSI, individuals undergoing IVF gain access to a sophisticated and highly effective method that maximizes the chances of a successful pregnancy.

What is the success rate of IMSI IVF? Decoding Success: The High Success Rates of IMSI IVF

Deciphering the success rates of IMSI IVF treatment reveals a remarkable advancement in the field of assisted reproduction. When compared to traditional IVF methods, IMSI boasts significantly higher success rates. This elevated success can be attributed to the precision of the sperm selection process, which ensures that only the healthiest and most genetically robust sperm are utilized for fertilization.

The meticulous scrutiny of sperm morphology through IMSI not only enhances the chances of successful fertilization but also contributes to improved embryo development. The result is a higher likelihood of implantation and a successful pregnancy journey. Decoding the success rates of IMSI IVF showcases the potential for individuals and couples to achieve their dream of parenthood with greater confidence and optimism.

In conclusion, IMSI IVF represents a transformative approach in assisted reproduction, providing a deeper understanding of sperm quality and significantly elevating the success rates of IVF treatments. This innovative technique not only unlocks the potential for success but also reshapes the landscape of fertility treatments, offering hope and possibilities to those on the path to parenthood.


Who can receive IMSI treatment?

Eligibility for IMSI Treatment: Who Can Benefit?

IMSİ treatment is suitable for individuals facing specific fertility challenges. Understanding the criteria for receiving IMSI can help determine its appropriateness for your fertility journey.


Are there any risks to IMSI treatment?

Navigating Risks: Understanding the Potential Drawbacks of IMSI Treatment

While IMSI is generally safe, it’s essential to be aware of potential risks. Exploring the risks associated with IMSI treatment ensures informed decision-making for prospective parents.


What is IMSI treatment process?

Demystifying the Process: A Closer Look at IMSI Treatment

Understanding the step-by-step process of IMSI treatment provides insight into the advanced procedures involved. Learn how IMSI enhances the chances of successful fertilization in IVF.


What does IVF with IMSI cost?

Investment in Hope: Calculating the Cost of IVF with IMSI

Explore the financial aspect of IVF with IMSI. Understanding the costs associated with this advanced fertility treatment helps individuals plan for their journey towards parenthood.


Is IMSI better than ICSI?

Comparing Techniques: Is IMSI the Superior Choice Over ICSI?

Delve into the differences between IMSI and ICSI to determine which assisted reproductive technique aligns better with your fertility goals.


Difference between IMSI and ICSI

Deciphering Techniques: Unveiling the Distinctions Between IMSI and ICSI

Explore the nuanced differences between IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) to make an informed choice in your fertility journey.


Cyprus IVF Center in IMSI treatment

Optimal Care: The Role of Cyprus IVF Center in IMSI Treatment

Discover why Cyprus IVF Center stands out as a preferred choice for those seeking IMSI treatment. Unparalleled expertise and a patient-centric approach make it a leader in fertility solutions.


Why you prefer to Cyprus IVF Center for IMSI in IVF treatment

Choosing Excellence: The Unique Advantages of Cyprus IVF Center for IMSI in IVF Treatment

Explore the distinctive reasons why Cyprus IVF Center is the preferred choice for individuals seeking IMSI in IVF treatment. Unmatched expertise and patient satisfaction make it a standout fertility destination.


Cyprus IVF Center in IMSI treatment

Optimal Care: The Role of Cyprus IVF Center in IMSI Treatment

Discover why Cyprus IVF Center stands out as a preferred choice for those seeking IMSI treatment. Unparalleled expertise and a patient-centric approach make it a leader in fertility solutions.


Why you prefer to Cyprus IVF Center for IMSI in IVF treatment

Choosing Excellence: The Unique Advantages of Cyprus IVF Center for IMSI in IVF Treatment

Explore the distinctive reasons why Cyprus IVF Center is the preferred choice for individuals seeking IMSI in IVF treatment. Unmatched expertise and patient satisfaction make it a standout fertility destination.


Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection, known as IMSI, is the method we use to select the most morphologically normal sperm from a sample to use for fertilisation via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The goal of IMSI is to select the best sperm to be injected into the egg to maximise the possibility of achieving a successful pregnancy when undergoing IVF treatment.


Why is IMSI beneficial ?

The best quality sperm can be selected from the sample and will be injected into each egg. This IMSI method increases the egg fertilisation rate, the success of embryo implantation and a live birth.


Who should use IMSI ?

Intracytoplasmic Morphological Sperm Injection (IMSI) is a technique used to treat infertility in men who have highly abnormal sperm, specifically a morphology of less than 4%.

 Our fertility clinic also recommends IMSI as part of the infertility treatment for patients who have had low fertilisation rates or failed implantation in previous IVF cycles despite good quality eggs.


Team Miracle’s IMSI System

Team Miracle are proud to possess a microscope system which is the only one of its kind in the world. Rather than sourcing a “ready-made” microscope, Team Miracle have custom built their own system by obtaining the best individual parts from Germany, Japan and America as well as the highest quality objective lens available which allows for magnificently detailed images of eggs, sperm and embryos, 6,000x closer than a standard ICSI microscope. 

In addition, a team of engineers from across the globe including Canada, Denmark and Turkey calibrated the machinery to ensure perfect performance.


Introducing IMSI-Strict – The Technical Details

IMSI-Strict is the only automated software solution to provide live analysis of sperm morphology using the highest possible magnification. “Tygerberg Strict Criteria” motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) is combined with software-based categorisation of sperm based on the following criteria: 

•Head shape

• Head size 

Mid piece 

 Number of vacuoles

By analysing each individual aspect of a single sperm, the Team Miracle embryologist can easily see whether a sperm has been categorised as normal, sub-normal or abnormal by the IMSI-Strict software. 

The combination of the brand new custom microscope with the IMSI-Strict system allows the sperm to be examined in greater detail, including the nucleus which contains the sperm’s genetic material. The Hamilton Thorne IMSI-Strict software aids in the IMSI process by measuring the size and shape of the sperm head, detecting midpiece abnormalities and identifying vacuoles on the live sperm sample. The results are displayed in real-time to assist the embryologist in selection of sperm to use for ICSI.


Team Miracle Success

Using the new system, Team Miracle have been successful in achieving a pregnancy where the male partner had a morphology of 1%, meaning that the sperm sample contained 99% abnormal spermatozoa with extremely poor motility and count. The Team Miracle embryologists worked around the clock on the sperm sample and the IMSI-Strict software helped to identify a few normal sperm for fertilisation. His partner achieved a positive IVF pregnancy blood test. Team Miracle are confident that many more potential parents who previously had no hope due to male factor infertility will have higher IVF success rates and pregnancy results. 



‘a happy baby has shining eyes. it walks open hearted into the world and spreads magic’




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