Cyprus IVF Baby

Team Miracle

Egg Donation

What is Egg Donation?

Team Miracle at Cyprus IVF Centre will recommend egg donation to:

Women with low ovarian reserve due to advanced maternal age.

Egg donation is a significant aspect of assisted reproductive technology, wherein a healthy woman, known as the egg donor, donates her eggs to assist another individual or couple in achieving pregnancy. This process is crucial for those facing fertility challenges, as it allows them to have a genetically related child when their own eggs are not viable or available.

Who Should Consider Egg Donation Treatment?

Egg donation treatment is an excellent option for individuals or couples facing various fertility issues, such as premature ovarian failure, diminished ovarian reserve, genetic disorders, or repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts. Additionally, women of advanced maternal age may also consider egg donation when their own eggs pose higher risks for pregnancy complications.

Why is Egg Donation Needed?

Egg donation is necessary for individuals or couples who are unable to use their own eggs for various reasons. This could be due to age-related infertility, poor egg quality, or certain medical conditions that affect egg production. Egg donation offers a solution to these challenges by providing healthy donor eggs, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

The Science Behind Egg Donation

Egg donation involves a meticulous process that combines the eggs from a donor with sperm, either from the intended father or a sperm donor, to create embryos. These embryos are then transferred into the uterus of the intended mother or surrogate, where they can implant and develop into a pregnancy. The science behind egg donation is a complex but highly effective method to overcome infertility.

Differences Between Egg Donation and Traditional IVF

Egg donation and traditional in vitro fertilization (IVF) share similarities but have distinct differences. In traditional IVF, a woman’s own eggs are used, whereas egg donation involves using eggs from a donor. This difference can be crucial for those who cannot produce viable eggs or require genetic diversity for a successful pregnancy.

The Egg Donation Process: Step by Step

Egg donation is a carefully orchestrated process involving several key steps. Here’s an overview of what to expect:

Initial Consultation: What to Expect?

The journey begins with an initial consultation, where the intended parents or individual meet with our medical team to discuss their fertility goals, medical history, and the egg donation process. During this consultation, any questions or concerns can be addressed.

Finding the Right Egg Donor: Criteria and Matching

Selecting the ideal egg donor is a critical step. Our center has a database of pre-screened donors, and we work closely with you to match you with a donor who meets your specific criteria, including physical attributes, medical history, and other preferences.

Medical Preparations for Donors and Recipients

Both the egg donor and the recipient undergo medical preparations to synchronize their menstrual cycles. This ensures that the recipient’s uterus is ready for embryo transfer when the embryos are ready.

The Egg Retrieval Process: A Closer Look

The egg donor undergoes a minor surgical procedure to retrieve her eggs. These eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory, leading to the creation of embryos.

Fertilization, Embryo Development, and Transfer

The embryos are cultured in the laboratory, and once they reach the appropriate stage of development, they are transferred to the recipient’s uterus, where they have the potential to implant and result in a successful pregnancy.


Emotional Aspects of Egg Donation

Embarking on an egg donation journey is a profound and emotional experience for many. It’s an essential part of your life story, and the emotions that accompany it are entirely valid. It’s common to feel a range of emotions, including excitement, anticipation, and sometimes apprehension. Cyprus IVF Center understands the complex emotional journey involved in using a donor egg. Our experienced and compassionate team is here to offer you the support and counseling you need to navigate these emotions with grace and confidence.

Coming to Terms with Using a Donor Egg

Coming to terms with the decision to use a donor egg may take time. It’s natural to grapple with the idea that your biological connection to your child will come through the donor egg. Our experts are here to help you understand and embrace this decision, ensuring that you’re comfortable and confident in your path to parenthood.

Supporting Each Other as a Couple

Using a donor egg can bring couples closer together as they work hand in hand towards their shared dream of parenthood. It’s a journey that demands understanding, empathy, and open communication between partners. Cyprus IVF Center encourages couples to provide unwavering emotional support to one another, reinforcing the bond that brought them together on this extraordinary journey.

Discussing Egg Donation with Family and Friends

Opening up to close family and friends about your choice to use a donor egg can be a significant source of emotional support. Sharing your journey with your loved ones can provide a network of encouragement and understanding. Cyprus IVF Center respects the importance of this choice and is here to provide guidance on how to navigate these conversations.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Understanding Egg Donation Agreements

Egg donation involves a series of legal agreements between the egg donor, intended parents, and the fertility center. These contracts outline the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties involved in the process. It’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of these agreements to ensure a smooth and ethical process. Cyprus IVF Center is committed to explaining these legal aspects clearly and thoroughly, ensuring that you are comfortable with all the terms.

Navigating International Egg Donation Laws

For international patients, navigating the complex legal landscape of egg donation can be a challenge. Cyprus IVF Center has extensive experience with international egg donation laws and regulations. We provide expert guidance to ensure that you are in compliance with the laws of your home country and Cyprus, creating a seamless and legally sound egg donation journey.

Considering the Rights of the Donor

Respecting the rights and privacy of the egg donor is a fundamental ethical consideration in the egg donation process. Cyprus IVF Center is unwavering in our commitment to upholding these rights. We create a safe, supportive environment for the donor, ensuring that their privacy is maintained and their contribution is respected and appreciated.

Is Egg Donation at Cyprus IVF Centre completely Anonymous?

At Cyprus IVF Centre, we hold the principles of transparency, respect, and privacy in the highest regard, recognizing the significance of addressing the concerns surrounding anonymity in our egg donation program. We are fully aware that the decision to embark on an egg donation journey can be a deeply personal and emotionally charged one, and we are committed to providing our donors and recipients with options that cater to their unique needs.

Financial Aspects of Egg Donation

Cost of Egg Donation

The financial aspect of egg donation is a fundamental consideration on your journey towards parenthood. At Cyprus IVF Centre, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring that you have complete transparency and a clear understanding of the pricing associated with our egg donation program. We recognize that the costs involved are an essential part of your decision-making process.

Egg donation is a remarkable and transformative path to parenthood, and we are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses associated with this process. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and understanding so that you can make informed decisions regarding the financial aspect of your egg donation journey. We believe that transparency is the cornerstone of trust, and it’s our commitment to ensure that you are fully aware of the costs involved.

Insurance Coverage and Financial Assistance

Navigating the financial aspects of egg donation can be complex and daunting. Cyprus IVF Centre is here to support you through this process. We understand that you may have insurance coverage that could potentially contribute to the financial aspects of egg donation. Our team is experienced in working with various insurance providers and can assist you in understanding your coverage.

In addition to insurance coverage, we also recognize that financial assistance can be a crucial aspect of your egg donation journey. Our commitment is to make this transformative path to parenthood as financially manageable as possible, without undue burden. We are dedicated to exploring potential financial assistance options that may be available to you.

Our aim is to ensure that your dream of parenthood is not hindered by financial concerns. We believe that every individual or couple should have the opportunity to experience the joy of building a family, and we are here to help you achieve that dream.

If you require further information or have more questions about the financial aspects of egg donation, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your financial peace of mind is an integral part of your journey, and we are here to provide the support and information you need.


Cost-saving Tips and Considerations

To further support you, our team can provide practical tips and considerations to help you manage the costs effectively. We aim to make egg donation an accessible and viable option for all our patients, ensuring that financial considerations do not stand in the way of your parenthood journey.



Frequently Asked Questions about Egg Donation

At Cyprus IVF Center, we understand that you may have various questions and concerns regarding egg donation. We’ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the process.

Is egg donation safe for the donor?

Egg donation is generally considered safe for donors. The process is closely monitored by medical professionals, and rigorous screening ensures that only healthy candidates participate. Donors receive comprehensive medical evaluations and are provided with thorough information about the procedure’s potential risks and discomforts.

What are the chances of a successful pregnancy?

The success of an egg donation cycle is influenced by various factors, including the age and health of the recipient, the quality of the embryos, and the expertise of the medical team. Cyprus IVF Center has a high success rate, and our experienced team will work with you to maximize your chances of a successful pregnancy.

How many attempts might we need?

The number of attempts needed varies from person to person. Success may be achieved in the first cycle, but some may require multiple attempts. Our team will work closely with you to adjust the treatment plan as necessary to optimize your chances of success.

Can we have a say in choosing our donor?

Yes, you can have a say in choosing your egg donor. At Cyprus IVF Center, we offer a database of pre-screened donors, and you have the opportunity to select a donor who matches your specific criteria, including physical attributes, medical history, and other preferences.

What about the genetic health of the donor?

Our egg donors undergo rigorous medical and genetic screening to ensure they are in excellent health. The comprehensive screening process aims to minimize the risk of genetic disorders or inherited conditions, providing you with a higher level of confidence in the genetic health of the donor.

Will our child want to meet the donor in the future?

The question of whether your child will want to meet the donor in the future is a personal one. Cyprus IVF Center respects your choices regarding the level of openness in your donor relationship. We can help guide you through the decision-making process, taking into account your and your child’s best interests.

How do we approach the topic with our child?

Approaching the topic of egg donation with your child should be done with honesty and sensitivity. Cyprus IVF Center can provide resources and guidance on age-appropriate ways to discuss the concept of egg donation with your child, ensuring that they understand their unique origin with love and support.

What if we have leftover embryos?

If you have extra embryos after a successful pregnancy, you have several options. You can choose to cryopreserve them for future use, donate them for research, or decide to dispose of them. Cyprus IVF Center can help you explore these options and make a decision that aligns with your values.

Can a Friend or Relative donate their eggs?

It is possible for a friend or relative to donate their eggs, provided they meet the necessary medical and psychological criteria. Cyprus IVF Center can guide you through the process of using a known egg donor and ensure that the donor meets all the required qualifications.

Who are the Team Miracle Egg Donors?

The Team Miracle Egg Donors are a dedicated group of women who generously donate their eggs to help individuals and couples achieve their dreams of parenthood. These donors undergo thorough screening to ensure their suitability and commitment to the process. Cyprus IVF Center is proud to have these exceptional individuals as part of our program.




Preparing for Your Egg Donation Journey

Before embarking on your egg donation journey, there are several crucial steps to consider. Preparation is key to ensuring a smooth and successful experience. At Cyprus IVF Center, we provide guidance and support at every stage of the process to help you make informed decisions and feel confident in your journey.

Physical and Mental Health Preparations

Both physical and mental health preparations play a vital role in your egg donation journey. Ensuring that you are physically healthy is essential, as it can contribute to the success of the procedure. Mental health is equally important, as the process can be emotionally challenging. Cyprus IVF Center offers comprehensive guidance on maintaining your well-being, including pre-cycle evaluations and counseling services to address any concerns or anxieties you may have.

Resources and Support Groups

Embarking on an egg donation journey can feel overwhelming, and it’s natural to seek support and resources. Cyprus IVF Center provides a range of resources and support groups to help you navigate the journey. These resources can include informational materials, online forums, and access to our experienced and compassionate team to address your questions and concerns.

Choosing the Right Clinic and Team

Selecting the right clinic and team for your egg donation journey is a crucial decision. Cyprus IVF Center prides itself on its exceptional team of experts and state-of-the-art facilities. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and caring environment for your journey to parenthood. Choosing the right clinic and team is the first step toward a successful and fulfilling egg donation experience.

Women who suffer premature menopause and premature ovarian failure (often in their 20’s).

Patients who have become infertile due to illness or chemotherapy treatment.

Prospective mothers who carry genetic abnormalities or hereditary disorders.

Same sex male couples or single males who have sourced their own surrogate.

Is Egg Donation at Cyprus IVF Centre completely Anonymous?

Yes, the laws in Northern Cyprus require our egg donors to remain completely anonymous. There is no central donor register on the island. This helps to avoid a shortage of egg and sperm donors, which prevents a long waiting list for our patients.


Team Miracle maintains strict confidentiality. Children born through egg donation at our Cyprus fertility clinic won’t be able to obtain any information on their egg donor and in the same way, the egg donor will not receive any information on the recipients of their eggs, or even know if their eggs produced a viable embryo for the in vitro procedure and subsequent IVF pregnancy.


Even at the age of 18, unlike some other countries, the laws in Northern Cyprus ensure that they will still not be entitled to any information about their egg donors. This provides a layer of security and peace of mind for Team Miracle’s prospective parents, especially for those who plan never to tell their children that they were conceived via egg donation.

Who are the Team Miracle Egg Donors?

Cyprus IVF Centre has an extensive database of pre-screened healthy and young egg donors who produce high quality eggs, evidenced in our exceptionally high IVF success rates for pregnancies and live births via our egg donation program.

All our donors are between 18 and 35 years old and are either experienced egg donors or have children of their own.

We have egg donors from all over the world who now live in Cyprus and who range from blonde hair and blue eyes to brown hair and brown eyes. We are always able to find a close match with patients regardless of nationality or ethnic origin. Some of these include British, Scandinavian, Afro-Caribbean, Indian, African and Asian donors.

Donor Acceptance into the Egg Donor Program

Before being accepted into the egg donor program at Cyprus IVF Centre, all the potential egg donors will be thoroughly screened by undergoing a series of tests, which include:


Tests for Infectious Diseases

  • Anti-HIV – test for HIV/AIDS
  • Anti-HCV – test for Hepatitis C virus
  • Rubella IgG – test for German measles
  • CMV IgG – test for Cytomegalovirus
  • HbsAg – test for Hepatitis B virus
  • VDRL – test for Syphilis


Hormone Tests


  • FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • LH – Luteinising Hormone
  • AMH – Anti-Mullerian Hormone
  • TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
  • E2 – Estradiol
  • PRL – Prolactin




Genetic Diseases


  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Phenylketonuria
  • Thalassemia Major/Minor
  • Familial Mediterranean Fever
  • Haemophilia A & B


In addition, donors must have a screening every 2 months at Cyprus IVF Centre to ensure that they have not contracted an infectious disease after initial testing.


Egg donors are only accepted into the program if they have no proven inherited genetic diseases, Mendelian disorders, chromosomal rearrangements or any other genetic health issues such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.


Can a Friend or Relative donate their eggs?

If you feel more comfortable using donor eggs from someone you know, you may bring your potential donor with you to Cyprus IVF Centre so that she can also be screened and tested by the Team Miracle medical specialists, before beginning the IVF process.

Getting Started with the Egg Donation Program at Cyprus IVF Centre


Get in touch with us by completing the contact form or emailing one of our friendly patient coordinators directly, to ask all your questions and get as much information as you need to make an informed decision about your infertility treatment options.


Once you decide to proceed, we will ask you to complete a medical form providing details of your medical history and donor requirements, which you will send to us together with photos of yourself. With this information, the Team Miracle doctor will prepare your IVF treatment plan and create a shortlist of suitable egg donors.



Because of the anonymity of the egg donation treatment at Cyprus IVF Centre, we cannot legally provide you with photographs of our egg donors, but you will be given information on their age, height, weight, nationality, eye colour, hair colour and education or occupation.


Team Miracle will match your photos and donor preferences to the most suitable donors and you will be able to select your first choice. She will then sign consent papers, have her final blood tests and be reserved until you start your IVF Treatment at Cyprus Fertility Centre.



By this stage, you will have an idea of your treatment dates for your IVF abroad. Our fertility doctor will prepare a full treatment plan detailing your medication and specific instructions on how and when to take it. Your Team Miracle coordinator will send you a prescription for your medication before you come to North Cyprus, so that you can get it from your local pharmacy or order it online from our partner pharmacies in the UK, who deliver medication worldwide.


Our contact details are printed on the prescription and our Team Miracle coordinators will always be available to help you with any questions that you or your pharmacist may have.


The medications you will be prescribed BEFORE arriving in North Cyprus are:


Estradiol (Progynova) tablets to be taken orally or vaginally for 10 to 12 days to thicken the endometrium (lining of the uterus).  


Cetrotide injections are given to patients who still ovulate and have regular menstrual cycles, to prevent premature ovulation.


NoteIf your periods are irregular, we recommend that you use an oral contraceptive pill to regulate your menstrual cycle which will help to synchronise your egg donor’s cycle to the exact date.


The medications you could be prescribed in North Cyprus are:


Doxycycline antibiotics to control bacteria that may affect embryo implantation.


Prednisolone steroid tablets to dampen the immune system in cases of possible elevated NK cells.


Progestan (progesterone) pessaries to keep the lining optimal for implantation.


Prolutex (progesterone) injections.


Enoxaparin (Clexane) blood thinning injections.


Proluton Depot injection to prevent premature labour.


The Team Miracle doctor will do a preliminary assessment of you when you arrive in North Cyprus to determine which of these you will need as part of your IVF treatment plan to provide a higher chance of success with your donor egg IVF cycle.



Your first visit to Cyprus IVF Centre will be around day 13 of your cycle and the egg collection day of your egg donor. When you land at Larnca or Ercan airport in Cyprus, a Team Miracle chauffeur will meet you in a private, air-conditioned, 7-seater van to transport you to your hotel. A patient coordinator will contact you that evening to your driver pick-up time for your first appointment the following day.


At our Cyprus IVF clinic, a transvaginal ultrasound will be performed to assess whether your endometrial lining is developing well in preparation for your embryo transfer. The IVF doctor might now prescribe additional medication to improve the chances of IVF success.


Your partner will need to provide his sperm sample for joining with your donor’s eggs. * 3 days of sexual abstinence is recommended prior to this.


If you have chosen to add any optional extensions to your IVF treatment package, the laboratory can implement them on egg collection day. These extra treatments all give you a higher chance of a successful IVF cycle and pregnancy from the start.



Before the eggs are collected from your donor and the sperm from your partner are joined together to create embryos, the Team Miracle embryologists wash the sperm sample using a special solution of nutrients in order to isolate the most motile sperm. At Cypress IVF Centre, we use ICSI as a standard part of every IVF procedure because it dramatically increases the number of eggs that will fertilise.


After the ICSI procedure, the oocytes are incubated for 24 hours in our laboratory. Our embryologist will check to see whether fertilisation has occurred, and your patient coordinator will contact you to let you know how many have fertilised.


Over the next few days, the embryos will be left to develop with as little contact as possible to avoid abrupt changes in humidity and temperature that could affect their development. Our clinic follows a stringent international standard on embryo handling, ensuring the best quality embryos for all our clients.


If you would like regular updates on the development of your embryos, we recommend adding the EmbryoScope Time Lapse Imaging incubator as an extension to your treatment package.



This ultrasound guided procedure is normally done 5 days after the egg retrieval procedure, but we can also offer a 2- or 3-day transfer. The embryos, along with the selected culture medium will be loaded into a thin plastic catheter with an attached syringe on the other end. The fertility doctor will guide the catheter through the vagina and cervix and carefully release the embryos into the uterus with a gentle push of the syringe plunger.


Team Miracle’s egg donation program guarantees at least 10 good quality eggs from your egg donor, allowing a good chance of quality blastocysts for embryo transfer. You can choose to transfer 1 to 4 embryos at a time and cryogenically preserve any remaining high quality embryos for a future IVF frozen embryo transfer.



After embryo transfer, you can return home and resume your normal routine but with precautions, such as avoiding strenuous activities, avoiding sunbathing and hot baths so that the core temperature within your uterus is not altered, and abstaining from sexual intercourse for the first 2 weeks after your embryo transfer procedure – all of which could negatively affect implantation after embryo transfer. Normal activities such as walking, shopping and driving will not affect the embryos in the uterus.


The most important point is to take all the medication prescribed to you by the Team Miracle fertility specialist.


Twelve days after your embryo transfer, an early pregnancy test known as an HCG can be performed. A urine test may not be able to detect the hormone level at this early stage, therefore the blood test is the only definitive way to detect pregnancy. This can be done by your GP or any fertility centre near your home. If it is difficult to arrange this blood test, then wait an extra two days before you do a urine test first thing in the morning.


If your pregnancy test is positive:


You will need to take your prescribed medication until twelve weeks gestation. It is also important to inform your GP so that they can register you with a midwife and arrange an ultrasound scan at seven weeks gestation to confirm the number of embryos that have successfully implanted and monitor the foetal heartbeat.


If the HCG blood test is negative:


Discontinue all medication and expect a withdrawal bleed. Your usual menstrual cycle should normalise within four to six weeks.


If the urine test is negative:


Continue the prescribed medication for another 48 hours and then repeat the urine test. If the test is still negative sixteen days after transfer, then discontinue the medication. Your Team Miracle coordinator will liaise with the doctor to discuss potential options for your future IVF treatments.


If you have any further questions or would like to discuss any aspect of the egg donation program at Cyprus IVF Centre with Team Miracle, don’t hesitate to contact us.




‘a happy baby has shining eyes. it walks open hearted into the world and spreads magic’




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