Embryo Donation X4 Guarantee Baby 100% Money Back - All Inclusive

22,950 EUR


100% refund if no baby within up to 4 embryo adoption attempts.
Age Limit of the package: The first embryo transfer must be on or before your 54th birthday. The money back guarantee is then valid for the next 5 years.

  • Doctor consultation
  • Initial consultation (not mandatory)* includes ultrasound scan and all blood tests
  • Doctor’s letter if needed (internal medicine, psychiatry and cardiology report)
  • Up to 4 x Attempt of 2 or more top graded donor embryos in blastocyst stage until a baby is achieved (up to 4 blastocysts may be transferred in specific cases if requested by the patient)
  • Minimum of 10 Donor Eggs and 5 Blastocyst Embryos is guaranteed
  • Freezing of embryos in 2 vials for 2 years
  • Sperm Freezing (if possible)
  • Egg Donor fees and egg collection procedure
  • Sperm Donor we use Cryos® International Certificated Sperm
  • Scans, Spermiogram, ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection), Blastocyst Culture, Embryoglue, highest quality medium, Bench-Top incubators, dedicated coordinator, nurse´s and the Anaesthetist fees is included, sperm donor upon request
  • Hysteroscopy if needed
  • Prescription and Individual Medication Treatment Protocol


2 equal installments (11,475 euro after signing a contract and 11,475 euro on egg collection day)



  • 8 days of accommodation within our associated Hotels or Apartments
  • Bed and breakfast for hotel bookings and Welcome Food Pack for Apartments are provided for you and the partner in program (if any)
  • All car transfers between airport, accommodation and the clinic
  • If you are coming for an initial consultation (not mandatory) one night of accommodation with bed and breakfast.


  • Your Medications** needed before embryo transfer
  • Medications needed post embryo transfer, until 12 weeks pregnancy
  • All medications, including emergency medication kit. The medication dosage varies depending on each individual requirement.


* Free initial consultation does not include taxi transfers.
** All-inclusive medication needed before the embryo transfer must be picked up in Cyprus or collected from your doctor at home (cannot be shipped from us)

*** The cost of treatment includes donor sperm up to a value of 500 EUR, including VAT. If your donor choice exceeds this amount, you can opt to either pay the difference or select an alternative donor.




  • Treatment applications must be approved by the doctor due your health conditions etc.
  • The package is valid for 5 years from purchase
  • All tests prior Baby Guarantee Packages must be performed at the clinic in Cyprus
  • Remaining frozen embryos (if any) will be used prior fresh embryo transfer
  • May you need medications due to your current health conditions (i.e.: Levothyroxine, Clexane, Metformin) these medications can be provided as an extra upon your request
  • PGD/PGS – 3000 EUR – PGD 5 chromosomes test for genetic disorders and gender selection (Genetic analysis of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y to eliminate genetic abnormalities prior to embryo transfer. The screening process enables us to discard embryos containing major genetic diseases such as Down’s Syndrome, Turner’s Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome and also detect the gender of the embryos prior to transfer)
  • NGS – 3000 EUR and 600 EUR per embryo tested – 23 chromosome pairs
  • Freezing up to 2 vials, additional Vials – 500 EUR, per vial
  • If you need selective embryo reduction this can be performed at the hospital as an extra upon your request. Requests must be done the day after your first pregnancy confirmation heartbeat scan in week 6.
  • Packages are already discounted and are non-refundable. All inclusive packages are valid for 1 year after the initial payment.
  • We require for all patients who undertake an IVF treatment with Team Miracle to send us a pregnancy (beta HCG) blood test 12 days after Embryo Transfer, preferably an official result directly from the Clinic/Laboratory to [email protected]